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11 Tips to Writing a Winning Proposal

Proposal Writing - 11 Tips to Writing a Winning Proposal The benefits of winning an important contract can mean more than just additional income for your business. For starters, upon receiving notification that your business has been selected for the project, you can begin to market your achievement. Write an article about it. Publish articles at "IT publications" such as "federal computer week" and "federal computer news" and post on your company website. 1. Point out Requirements Point out requirement abilities, contact them for clarification, do not put your proposal on hold waiting for a response, don't wait. Get started right away so that you have plenty of time to edit your proposal and deliver it on-time to the correct office. 2. What do they want? Determine what they want and write to that. Read the project requirements and be sure that your proposal is written to meet the requirements. 3. How will you be evaluated? Know how you will ...

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